Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
If you haven't noticed yet, I've added a "Support Haiti" widget to the right, so visitors can click the link and send money to help the Red Cross.

In terms of hacking, my blog post about hacking is still being worked on. It's a BIG post, and I didn't want to split it up into parts because I don't want visitors to have to navigate to different posts to read one article.

Here's a sample of what I have so far:

Hacking can be ILLEGAL, but only if you break into unwanted areas, such as websites that are not yours, computers that are not yours, you get the point. It's like robbing; it's illegal only when you steal/break in from somebody else.

There are hundreds of different things to hack, and there are hundreds of ways to hack them. Here are the basics:
  • Exploiting/Injection - Using problems or holes/faults in the victim to gain access.
  • Flooding/DoS/DDoS - Using programs or multiple computers to send trillions of bytes to one location in an attempt to overload it.
  • Brute Forcing - Using programs to try to access protected areas by guessing the password from a list or by words in the alphabet thousands of times a second. 
  • Cracking -  Changing code inside the victim to gain access.
  • Phishing - Tricking victims into entering personal data about themselves.
  • RATing - Using programs called RATs to gain access to a victim's computer through a back door and control it.
That's a small small part of what I've written, and when I'm done it'll be epic.  I'll make sure to provide lots of picture guides too.

I'd also like to note that all those "FACEBOOK WATCHER", "PROFILE SPY", and "KEEP THE GOV. FROM WATCHING YOUR PROFILE!" groups are ALL false. ALL of them. The reasons why are:

 There is NO way selecting all your friends to invite to a group can activate a Facebook Application. The instructions say:
You Should :
1- Join this group.

2-Invite "all" your friends to this group. .(wont work unless all friends are invited)

3- 30min after %75 of your friends joined this group, the application profile watcher will be activated and when ever somebody visits your profile a notification will be left telling who it was.

This will only work if all your friends are invited!!!

Hi Guys When U Press Invite People To Join, Copy And Paste This Link Into The Address Bar:

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}

It Selects All Ur Friends Then Press Invite
 The blue highlighted text is false, it will never work, whether you invite 1 or +1000 friends, no application can detect that.

The red highlighted text is false, having friends join the group WON'T "activate" the application because the application needs to get your approval before it can ever detect that it's YOUR friends that joined.

The yellow highlighted text is JavaScript text that selects all your friends on the invite window. No magic that could "activate" an application here.